Fighting Disease

Free blood pressure events to reduce risk of strokes

Free blood pressure events to reduce risk of strokes

High blood pressure is a contributing factor in around half of the strokes in Great Britain and Ireland. Rotary clubs are hosting blood pressure testing events up and down the country once again to prevent the risk.

High blood pressure is one of the biggest risk factors for strokes in the UK.

Most of the time it is symptomless, meaning there is no way of knowing unless you have it checked.

Rotary clubs have been holding events with the support of Stroke Association volunteers for many years so that members of the public can be tested in a quick, easy and painless, but importantly free way.

Know Your Blood Pressure (KYBP) days help people to understand the link between high blood pressure and stroke and provide support if further steps are required.

Rotary has been supporting the cause for over 15 years and will continue to make use of local facilities such as church halls, shopping centres and leisure centres when providing this service.

You can find your nearest event by searching the map here or discover how to set-up your own event here. Stroke Association brings it back to basics, summarising the key steps to spearheading a KYBP event in your area.

For further information, contact the Stroke Association’s team by email or call 01527 908918.

Browse some of successful the KYBP events from around Great Britain and Ireland

Edinburgh Rotary and Perth Rotary

Two clubs in Scotland joined efforts to provide the community with a free service. Together with health volunteers, they welcomed the public to the stand to receive a health check.

Henllys Rotary

Over in Anglesey, the Rotary Club of Henllys saw the benefit from previous years as many visitors explained they were checking at home or with doctors! The team also guided new guests to receive a free check if they wished.

Ipswich Rotary

Joining the clan, Ipswich Rotary set-up a stand in the local shopping centre attracting the public to stop by.

Hadleigh Castle Rotary

Hadleigh Castle Rotary jumped on the bandwagon of inviting the community to their event at Morrisons. Many busy shoppers stopped for a few minutes to gain more information.

Oxford Spires Rotary

Rotary members in Oxford Spires club set-up a stand in the town to bring the importance of a check to the attention of shoppers. They have decided to share the responsibility within the community by inviting the nearby club to join in.

Putney Rotary and Wandsworth Rotaract

Rotaractors joined Rotary members in London to encourage more people to receive a free blood pressure test! The day was a success as the stand caught the attention of passersby.

Radcliffe Rotary

Rotary members near Manchester found the public waiting patiently to receive a free health check after hearing that stroke symptoms can be none existent for many.

Wigston Rotary

Wigston Rotary set-up in Sainsburys, attracting many families, students and people of all ages.

Windsor St George Rotary

At a busy shopping centre just outside of London, Windsor St George Rotary were offering free blood pressure checks in the hope to minimise the risk of strokes.

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