October – November 2023 | Features

Club Survey 2023: The Findings

Club Survey 2023: The Findings

During March and May this year, we gave all clubs the opportunity to take part in our Club Survey 2023. Around 70% of clubs in Great Britain and Ireland participated, as over 1,000 clubs shared their thoughts, challenges, and ambitions for the future.


Club experience continues to be one of the most important factors for member satisfaction.

The findings: Within Great Britain and Ireland, the average club has 25 members. Around 10% of clubs had fewer than 10 members, and 43% have 20 or less. A quarter of clubs are utilising online meetings as part of their schedule, to add greater flexibility and connectivity.



Our projects are one of our greatest strengths, meeting the needs of communities around the world.

The findings: It is most common for clubs to run, host or take part in 5-10 projects per year. This ranged from oneoff community collections to large-scale Global Grants. For almost half of clubs, project delivery is part of their regular meeting schedule.



When it comes to making an impact, welcoming new people into Rotary is fundamental.

The findings: When asked how likely the club was to grow its membership over the next 2 years, there were mixed levels of confidence. 38% indicated they were likely to grow, and 30% suggested they were unlikely to do so.

Overall, clubs are more confident they have the knowledge and resources to meet their plans for membership retention, compared to their plans for membership growth.



Creating a welcoming and rewarding club experience is vital to keep members engaged in Rotary.

The findings: The top 5 most popular steps clubs have taken over the last 2-3 years to improve the membership experience proved to be the same when it came to retention and acquisition of members.



All clubs are unique, with their own challenges, ambitions and community needs they’re seeking to address.

The findings: Unsurprisingly, retention and acquisition of members ranked as the top two focuses for clubs over the next 2-3 years, followed by club promotion, social media use and community partnerships.



Direct membership opens a world of networking and volunteering opportunities across the Rotary family.

The findings: Understanding and awareness of direct membership is mixed. The most common benefits were how direct membership can enable club members who are relocating to stay in Rotary until they find a new local club, and receiving volunteer help from direct members at their own club’s events.


Read the full results and access a full range of tools, resources and learning materials to help you strengthen your club on the Rotary GB&I Members Area.


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