Supporting Education

Literacy in a Box celebrates World Literacy Day

Literacy in a Box celebrates World Literacy Day

Rotary charity Literacy in a Box is celebrating International Literacy Day on the 8th September and tells the story of how their Literacy Boxes came to be! Donate now!

The 8th September marks International Literacy Day, but why is it such a special day for Literacy in a Box?

For Literacy in a Box, it is a day to reflect on how it all started and what part they have played in the achievement of Literacy for orphans and poor children globally.

Most people believe literacy is the ability to read and write and this remains its core meaning, although many, including Rotary, believe literacy is about achieving a broad education in all aspects of life.

However, if we take the core meaning and look at how children learn to read and write, basic school materials and books are the essential materials needed to succeed.

In 2004, The Literacy in a Box Trust saw this scenario first hand in Zambia.

Speaking with the teachers there, it was evident that although most Government schools had some materials to offer, they still required the families of pupils to contribute to their schooling.

Community schools, which have no government support, were totally reliant on sponsorship to survive and ranged from being well-equipped through good patronage to being just a building and not much else.

A class of children using their new equipment provided by Literacy in a Box.

The solution, according to the teachers, was a supplement to the existing school materials which could be used specifically to allow orphans and poor children access a school.

It was at this point that the Literacy Box was started.

The sending of the first Literacy Boxes in 2006, confirmed that they were just what was needed, but the surge in requests for enrolment to school surprised everyone.

Literacy in a Box continued to send boxes, primarily to Zambia and received positive feedback on their value from teachers.

They had indeed allowed so many more orphans and poor children to access school and have hope for their future.

Then in March 2020, as a contribution to the International Women’s Day presentation set up by the Inner Wheel.

Sifi Mwale spoke of how she had created Jedidah Learning Steps, a community school in Lusaka for orphans and poor children and the part played by Literacy in a Box to support her.

Sifi’s presentation regarding her project.

Positive feedback on our work drives us on, while it gives our donors that warm feeling that they have made a difference and that we have carried out our work with integrity. Photos and videos say it all!

Literacy in a Box is dedicated to supporting the education of orphans and poor children, but to continue to do this, two things are essential, volunteer support and income.

A heartfelt ‘Thank You’ from teachers and pupils from the Jedidah Learning Steps School.

All who help in our work are volunteers, but we would love to have more individuals to help create better awareness of our work.

All income goes to create Literacy Boxes, with no expenses of running the charity being taken from donations.

One Literacy Box costs £350 and gives 25 children the opportunity of entering school and hope for a better life.

Having survived Covid-19 and seen income plummet, we would love to see donations rise once more, so we can continue to help the orphans and poor children receive an education.

So, in celebration of Literacy Day, we hope it is an occasion when fresh financial support allows us to send more Literacy Boxes to give more children hope for a better life through education.

For more information on the Literacy Box, or to donate, please visit the Literacy in a Box website.