April-May 2019 | Regulars

Ron D. Burton – Trustee Chair’s Column

Ron D. Burton – Trustee Chair’s Column

The Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair 2018/19, Ron D. Burton, shares his latest column.

As we begin the last quarter of the Rotary year, our thoughts turn to ensuring a strong finish.

I hope that your goal has been to make your club stronger than it was at the beginning of the year.

All clubs depend on members to do their part so the club doesn’t just survive, but thrive. But for that to happen, each member must contribute to that success every day of the year.

It is important that we identify potential new members and sponsor them, that we reach out to former members and invite them back. Above all, whether they are new members or returning members, we must mentor and engage them to make them strong members of our club.

We must roll up our sleeves and work on club projects, district projects, and global projects, because nothing creates fellowship more than working together with other members of your club.

We must also support The Rotary Foundation. Doing good in the world doesn’t just happen. In addition to having the people to carry out projects, we must also have the funds to make them viable.

That’s where each of us comes in.

We, our partners, and our beneficiaries are the sources for those funds.

I hope each member will make our Foundation a charity of choice so we can continue to change lives and improve the world. For the cost of just two “crafted” lattes a month, one can become a $100-per-year contributor to the Foundation.

That is a small amount to pay for all the good our Foundation does. And giving to our Foundation has never been easier.

You can make your contribution securely and conveniently anytime at rotary.org/donate. I plan to go online this month and make another contribution. I challenge each of you to do the same.

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