August-September 2018 | Regulars

Brian Stoyel – Rotary International Director’s Column

Brian Stoyel – Rotary International Director’s Column

Latest column for August-September from Rotary International Director 2017-19 Brian Stoyel.

Each year at the June Board meeting, changeover directors are asked for their goals for the forthcoming year. My submission was as follows:

To continue raising the awareness of the role of Director in Zones 17 & 18A by visiting districts for assemblies, council, conferences, special events and celebrations with full participation in Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland membership, executive and governing council meetings;

To endorse Rotary2 as a pro-active means for membership growth in the formation of new clubs/groups;

To continue regular monthly meetings with my Rotary International Co-ordinators for membership, public awareness and foundation, continuing our team emphasis for the next 12 months;

To assist with the change organisation underway at Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland, i.e. committee structure and event programming, in the changing of outdated names using EXPO (conference), ‘Be The Inspiration’ (Institute);

To encourage more Rotary awareness with and in our areas of focus and Foundation, creating more donors for our Rotary charity by way of benefactors, major gifts and Arch Klumph Society members, as well as continuing our fight against polio;

By decreasing the number of Rotary International committees our hope is to improve the governance of Rotary International as speedily, but efficiently, and effectively as possible – in my vocabulary ‘actions speak louder than words’;

Finally in my role as Chairman of the Executive Committee, to work closely with and justify the faith placed in me by President Barry, to make myself available to everyone and seek the necessary advice and guidance of our efficient secretariat staff at Alcester and Evanston.

I look forward to the challenges and success that 2018/19 may bring.

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