Club News

Scottish Rotarians putting community’s cycling skills to the test

Scottish Rotarians putting community’s cycling skills to the test

The cycling event, taking place in Perthsire, is raising money for some of the poorest people in Malawi.

The Perth Kinnoull Rotary Club is gearing up for the Tayside Challenge cycle sportive this September.

The event is marshalled by Rotarians and friends of Rotary who also provide food and drinks to the participants who can opt to cycle 46 or 81 miles through the Perthshire countryside.

They are hoping to raise a further £10,000, which will add to the £70,500 which has been raised since the sporting challenge began in 2015.

Half of the proceeds go to Malawi Fruits, a Scottish charity working to improve the lives of some of the world’s poorest people in Malawi. The remaining 50% of the profits go into Kinnoull Rotary’s Charity account to support local charitable needs.

Rotarian Steve Blackett organises the event and said “The event has been supported on three occasions by both Mark Beaumont and Jenny Graham, holders of the Guinness World records for cycling round the world.

“This has very much raised the profile of the event and the numbers of cyclists who sign up to take part and support us with their donations.”